
What is Depression?

Most people feel low or sad once in a while. However, if your child is unusually sad or irritable for long periods of time, they may be showing signs of depression. Oftentimes, it's more than "moodiness" but rather impacts one's ability to think, feel and behave appropriately.

Children with depression may display the following symptoms:

  • Depressed or irritable mood
  • Loss of pleasure
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Change in grades and/or behavior (i.e., getting into trouble) at school
  • Change in eating habits
  • Mood swings
  • Frequent sadness or crying
  • Loss of energy
  • Low self-esteem
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

At first, it may be hard to distinguish if your child is experiencing depression or if the changes are attributable to some other cause. When symptoms last for more than two weeks AND interfere with regular daily activities including school and family life, your child may have a depressive disorder. The earlier you seek out help, the better. There are many types of evidence-based therapies used to treat depression. Our clinicians are trained to select the most appropriate type of therapy for your child and encourage the involvement of the child's family throughout the process.

Let's Get Started

Treatment begins by contacting us to schedule an appointment. During our initial conversation, we will review your questions, concerns and my policies and procedures to assess if The Child and Family Connection is the best fit for you and your child.

  • (please include what you are looking for in a therapist)